Wednesday October 27th 6:30pm at Cumberland Transit
(Jorts encouraged but not required)
(Jorts encouraged but not required)
The Jorts Jog
Jorts Jog 5mile, 5k, 1.5k options
This is a run (not a race).
This is an open course, there is traffic, we run on the sidewalks.
5 mile jog begins at 6:30ish pm
5k jog begins around 6:31ish pm
1.5k jog begins after 6:32ishpm
Join The Jogalope Run Club on Strava Now for up to date details!
The Jorts Jog
Jorts Jog 5mile, 5k, 1.5k options
This is a run (not a race).
This is an open course, there is traffic, we run on the sidewalks.
5 mile jog begins at 6:30ish pm
5k jog begins around 6:31ish pm
1.5k jog begins after 6:32ishpm
Join The Jogalope Run Club on Strava Now for up to date details!
5k and 1.5k routes
Please obey traffic signals, cross streets in crosswalks.
There will be other humans and probably scooters and bike obstacles.
Please respect others.
There will be other humans and probably scooters and bike obstacles.
Please respect others.
Check out the: facebook event page
Fishin' in the Dark (Fly Casting Challenge)
Cast a fly using fly rod. Point values for landing it on targets.
Sprint 10ish feet for your super soaker gun, run back, shoot down five empty cans of beer.
(Timed Event)
(Timed Event)
Darts, but from a distance, Targets are the Dukes of Hazzard, Body parts are different point value.
Tug Off
In the event of a tie we will have a Tug Off. Competitors stand on logs and must pull the other off.
Prizes include
Denim Vests
Swag from Montucky Cold Snacks
Prizes from Cumberland Transit
Bragging Rights
Partner, I'd like to take the time to thank you for joining in and being a part of this spectacular event. I hold jorts near to my heart and even closer to my legs. It is my hope that you find a new love for jogging and keeping fit with this event. Being a healthy individual is a real special thing. Now get out there and enjoy yerself.
-Grip Johnson
Partner, I'd like to take the time to thank you for joining in and being a part of this spectacular event. I hold jorts near to my heart and even closer to my legs. It is my hope that you find a new love for jogging and keeping fit with this event. Being a healthy individual is a real special thing. Now get out there and enjoy yerself.
-Grip Johnson